This mini acupuncture model shows 14 meridians and 72 acupuncture points marked with Chinese characters or numerals. Ideal for elementary education of acupuncture therapy. Size: 11" tall Guide included.
These Chinese acupuncture models are ideal teaching aids. Each is carefully labeled with the appropriate pressure point and meridians of the ancient healing art. Made of soft PVC plastic and mounted on a stand, which it can be removed. Guide included.
These Chinese acupuncture models are ideal teaching aids. Each is carefully labeled with the appropriate pressure point and meridians of the ancient healing art. Made of soft PVC plastic and mounted on a stand, which it can be removed. Guide included.
Highly illustrated and detailed, this colorful plastic model depicts the 14 Primary channels, 361 acupoints and the 48 extraordinary acupoints on the right side, along with "CUN" markers for easy evaluation of distances between points. The left side is a subcutaneous view providing an invaluable look at the neural distribution, artery, vein, blood vessel and muscular structures. The left side also depicts upper and lower extremity "Extra" point not located on the Primary channels. Suitable for teaching and learning of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage etc. Arms are movable as well. Made of soft PVC plastic and mounted on a stand. Guide included.
Now in full color and thoroughly updated, this Third Edition is an indispensable resource for massage therapy students and practicing massage therapists. This best-selling guide presents detailed information on over 200 diseases and conditions, emphasizing how massage influences the disease and healing processes and how therapists can maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks.
The new art program features enhanced line drawings and full-color photographs of skin conditions ranging from mild to severe. A new appendix on medications explains how bodywork may influence the actions of various drugs. 175 illustraions, 672 pages, hardcover.
A back-of-book CD-ROM includes a self-testing tool, animations demonstrating pathophysiology concepts, and audio pronunciations for medical terminology.
Front, back and side views include the 14 main meridians and points of traditional Chinese medicine and over 110 anatomical landmarks and muscle references commonly used when describing acupoint locations. Laminated. Size: 24" x 36".
This richly illustrated text teaches the basic techniques of clinical massage therapy by embedding illustrations of internal structures directly into photographs of live models. Each muscle or muscle group is shown, along with surrounding structures, surface landmarks, and the therapist's hands.
Useful as a textbook of clinical massage and anatomy, this text can also be used as a practical patient communication tool. Basic clinical techniques such as compression, stripping massage, myofascial stretching and cross-fiber friction are included. Suggestions of draping options correspond to illustrations of draping techniques. Appendices include pain referral zones by region, Greek and Latin prefixes and suffixes, and a glossary of terms.
Now every copy of Basic Clinical Massage Therapy: Integrating Anatomy and Treatment comes with a DVD created by Real Bodywork.
A colorful plaster model depicts the 12 Primary channels, the Eight Extraordinary channels and the para-spinal "Hwa To" points on the left side, with "cun" markers for easy evaluation of distances between points. The right side is a subcutaneous view of the neural, circulatory and muscular structures. Includes a key card showing and naming each acupoint. Size: 34" tall.
From the International Institute of Reflexology, each chart shows the anatomical relationships between the foot and hand reflexes and the corresponding areas of the body. Size: 17" x 31". Laminated for durability.
From the International Institute of Reflexology, each chart shows the anatomical relationships between the foot and hand reflexes and the corresponding areas of the body. Size: 17" x 31". Laminated for durability.