This unique, portable clinical reference provides easily-accessible and clinically relevant monographs of herbs, spices, and aromatherapy oils for use by health care providers. The monographs, similar to those presented in nurses' drug handbooks, contain information on the health risks of taking these substances with over-the-counter and prescription drugs, a behavior that is increasing among the general public. Assessment guidelines help providers monitor side effects, toxicity, and drug-herb/drug-spice interaction. Specifics of monographs include action, current use, pharmacokinetics, toxicity, contraindications, side effects, long term safety, use in pregnancy/lactation and use for children. Appendices provide drug-herb interaction tables, contraindicated herbs, a listing of 'do not take together' herbs, and a listing by use/indication. Each monograph includes line drawings of each herb, and extensive reference and research listings. 36 illustrations, 448 pages, spiral bound.
This massage therapy textbook enables readers to translate the fundamental knowledge base for massage into practical applications both in class and in practice. Students will learn functional anatomy and physiology integrated with massage therapy techniques in addition to exploring the fundamentals of history, medical terminology, pharmacology, assessment, documentation, ethics, pathology, self-care, and more.
Now every copy of Introduction to Massage Therapy comes with a DVD created by Real Bodywork.
A 1/4 life-size model of the male muscular system made of SOMSO-Plast. The model is carefully painted to show the topography of muscles in true anatomical perspective. Includes a key card booklet referencing 46 labeled muscles and 9 labeled bones. Removable from base. Does not dissect. Size: 20" tall. On base 21" H x 13" x 6". Somso Modelle.
Focused on pathology needs for massage therapists, this reference in encyclopedia-like format is organized alphabetically according to diseases. It covers over 400 conditions likely encountered by massage therapists, and provides descriptions followed by Cause, Signs and Symptoms, Risk Factors and Caution and Recommendations to Therapists. Features include marginal notes providing more information on the topic presented, color illustrations showing some common skin conditions, a section on strategies for prevention of infection, and of safe practice, and coverage of side effects of common drugs. Available as a text, as a packaged set with a CD-ROM, or the CD-ROM version only.
Focused on pathology needs for massage therapists, this reference in encyclopedia-like format is organized alphabetically according to diseases. It covers over 400 conditions likely encountered by massage therapists, and provides descriptions followed by Cause, Signs and Symptoms, Risk Factors and Caution and Recommendations to Therapists.
Features include marginal notes providing more information on the topic presented, color illustrations showing some common skin conditions, a section on strategies for prevention of infection, and of safe practice, and coverage of side effects of common drugs. Available as a text, as a packaged set with a CD-ROM, or the CD-ROM version only.
Based on Dr. James Tin Yau So's Book of Acupuncture Points, this chart combines 3 separate views of the human body and many smaller illustrations on one 23" x 36" chart. Concentrating on channel point positions, it also includes the major extra points with contraindications. Laminated for durability.
Professional Guide to Complementary & Alternative Medicine features more than 300 herbal medicines and 100 alternative therapies organized in an A-to-Z manner. An entry format provides an Introduction, reported uses, performance of treatment, complications, precautions, adverse effects, and special considerations for clinicians. Topics include acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, homeopathy, osteopathy, and environmental medicine. Other therapies covered are mind-body therapies, manual healing therapies, pharmacological and biological therapies, herbal remedies, and diet and nutrition. This quick-reference book features a research summary, sidebars, appendices and logos that supply key information and complete the Professional Guide library. 100 illustrations, 736 pages, hard cover.
Reflexologists believe that there are reflex points in the hands and feet that correlate to every organ and body part. This colorful chart locates these reflex points, which then allows you to work these areas for maximum results, contributing to general health and well being. Laminated for durability. Size: 17" x 22".
This textbook is focused on the anatomy and physiology needs of massage therapy students and practitioners. It gives extensive coverage of the major body systems- integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous -crucial for massage therapy. It also provides an overview of other body systems so students have a well-rounded understanding of anatomy and physiology. 704 pages.
The second edition of this definitive refernce on myofascial pain and location of trigger points features improved drawings demonstrating Dr. Travell's techniques. Set includes: Volume 1 Upper half oft eh Body, 1038 pages, and Volume 2 The Lower Extremities, 626 pages. Illustrated in black & white. Hard cover. Size 7" x 10".
Volumes 1 and 2 of Drs. Travell and Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual have been hailed as the definitive references on myofascial pain and locating trigger points. Now all the upper and lower extremity pain patterns and their corresponding trigger points are clearly illustrated on convenient flip charts, ideal for patient education. 24 pages. Size: 12" x 15".