A 1/4 life-size model of the male muscular system made of SOMSO-Plast. The model is carefully painted to show the topography of muscles in true anatomical perspective. Includes a key card booklet referencing 46 labeled muscles and 9 labeled bones. Removable from base. Does not dissect. Size: 20" tall. On base 21" H x 13" x 6". Somso Modelle.
Explains Metabolic Syndrome, a constellation of factors including obesity, high glucose levels in the blood, high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels. Illustrates and explains each of the risk factors in detail. Also lists causes, treatments and the medical conditions associated with this disease, which affects about 1 in 4 Americans.
Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about our chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-804-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-804-7 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-805-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-805-4
Explains Metabolic Syndrome, a constellation of factors including obesity, high glucose levels in the blood, high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels. Illustrates and explains each of the risk factors in detail. Also lists causes, treatments and the medical conditions associated with this disease, which affects about 1 in 4 Americans.
Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about our chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-804-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-804-7 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-805-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-805-4
Save off individual prices! Includes the Nutrimap, a comprehensive folding nutrition chart of vitamins and essential elements and the following 20" x 26" laminated charts: Maintaining a Healthy Weight and Keys to Healthy Eating.
Using the award-winning Incredibly Easy! style, Nutrition Made Incredibly Easy! Second Edition presents essential information on nutrition in a light-hearted and appetizing way. Coverage includes the physiologic processes that transform food into energy, nutrient metabolism and recommended allowances, assessment of nutritional status, and the needs of special patient populations.
This edition incorporates the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, presents up-to-date information on diabetes, and includes new appendices on fad diets and commonly used herbs and supplements. Logos include Lifespan Lunchbox (age-related considerations); Bridging the Gap (cultural considerations), Menu Maven (sample menus), and NutriTips (nutritional pointers).
The grossly dramatic Life/Form(R) replicas of one- and five-pounds of human fat are a shocking but strongly motivating attention-getters. Made of pliable, long-lasting vinyl plastic, the replicas have a profound memorable effect when passed amongst an audience. Each replica dramatically visualizes the important and motivating fact that "every extra pound of fat requires an additional mile of blood vessels." Replica represents approximate volume of real fatty tissue; weights vary.
The grossly dramatic Life/Form(R) replicas of one- and five-pounds of human fat are a shocking but strongly motivating attention-getters. Made of pliable, long-lasting vinyl plastic, the replicas have a profound memorable effect when passed amongst an audience. Each replica dramatically visualizes the important and motivating fact that "every extra pound of fat requires an additional mile of blood vessels." Replica represents approximate volume of real fatty tissue; weights vary.
This 50-sheet tear off pad allows health professionals to write a “prescription” for their patients to take the next step in increasing their level of physical activity. Shows a pyramid of different types of physical activity with walking as the foundation and beginning step. Provides examples of each type of activity. Also includes an activity log for patient to fill out, divided into 10 minute increments of activity. This prescription is even more effective when combined with our award-winning Understanding Your Weight flipbook – a desktop counseling tool for addressing excess weight.
Defines obesity and provides detail on how body fat is measured through the Body Mass Index (BMI). Lists causes of this serious condition and points out the organs affected within the body. Details treatments for obesity and includes a special section which explains the prevalence and seriousness of childhood obesity. Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-379-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-379-0 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-380-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-380-6 Styrene: ISBN 10: 1-58779-381-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-381-3
Defines obesity and provides detail on how body fat is measured through the Body Mass Index (BMI). Lists causes of this serious condition and points out the organs affected within the body. Details treatments for obesity and includes a special section which explains the prevalence and seriousness of childhood obesity. Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-379-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-379-0 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-380-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-380-6 Styrene: ISBN 10: 1-58779-381-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-381-3
Defines obesity and provides detail on how body fat is measured through the Body Mass Index (BMI). Lists causes of this serious condition and points out the organs affected within the body. Details treatments for obesity and includes a special section which explains the prevalence and seriousness of childhood obesity. Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-379-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-379-0 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-380-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-380-6 Styrene: ISBN 10: 1-58779-381-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-381-3