A larger than life 6-piece model illustrates the following heart conditions: Atherosclerosis/ Coronary Artery Disease and its progression in the blood vessel, Myocardial Infarction and damage, blocked artery and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy. Heart is sectioned into 2 parts to show the thickened ventricle walls, and cardiac valves. Four (4) individual blood vessels models show the progression of atherosclerosis. Illustrated guide showing normal anatomy and various conditions included.
This charts illustrates the progression of heart disease in atherosclerosis. Shows heart disease in hypertension, congestive heart failure and mitral valve prolapse. Also contains illustration of the aging heart.
Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about our chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-258-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-258-8 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-257-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-257-1
This charts illustrates the progression of heart disease in atherosclerosis. Shows heart disease in hypertension, congestive heart failure and mitral valve prolapse. Also contains illustration of the aging heart.
Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about our chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-258-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-258-8 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-257-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-257-1
Witty explanations and amusing illustrations — along with authoritative advice — allow nurses and other health care professionals to quickly sharpen their skills the Incredibly Easy! way. Features an eight-page, color guide to pathophysiology. Contents include understanding heart failure, preventing heart failure, assessing patients with heart failure, treating patients with heart failure, heart failure complications, and teaching patients with heart failure.
Attachable and detachable bypass vessels let you demonstrate single, double, triple, LIMA and bilateral IMA coronary bypasses, or normal heart without bypasses. Twice life-size, truly the all-in-one heart model. Size: 7" x 7" x 17". Denoyer-Geppert Co.
Heart Sounds Made Incredibly Easy! is an entertaining, easy-to-read, practical, and informative reference that includes an audio CD of heart sounds for those who must accurately interpret heart sounds and understand their implications, diagnosis, and treatments. Revealing the importance of accurate heart sound interpretation, this Incredibly Easy! title walks the reader through more than 65 heart sounds. The book includes an audio index and cues to the CD throughout the text for each sound, which allows the reader to listen to the sounds sequentially with the book or review them out of sequence. 200 illustrations, 224 pages, soft cover.
This chart is an easy-to-understand overview of high cholesterol and its importance to the health of the body. Illustrates and defines cholesterol. Shows the sources of cholesterol – from food and within the body. Shows and describes the different types of lipoproteins. Defines risk factors and causes of high cholesterol. Illustrates the consequences of high cholesterol as plaque builds up within the blood vessels. Also provides prevention and management techniques.
Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about our chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-910-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-910-5 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-911-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-911-2
Now in Spanish! This chart is an easy-to-understand overview of high cholesterol and its importance to the health of the body. Illustrates and defines cholesterol. Shows the sources of cholesterol – from food and within the body. Shows and describes the different types of lipoproteins. Defines risk factors and causes of high cholesterol. Illustrates the consequences of high cholesterol as plaque builds up within the blood vessels. Also provides prevention and management techniques.
Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about our chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 0-7817-7304-0 ISBN 13: 978-0-7817-7304-1 Laminated: ISBN 10: 0-7817-7305-9 ISBN 13: 978-0-7817-7305-8
Now in Spanish! This chart is an easy-to-understand overview of high cholesterol and its importance to the health of the body. Illustrates and defines cholesterol. Shows the sources of cholesterol – from food and within the body. Shows and describes the different types of lipoproteins. Defines risk factors and causes of high cholesterol. Illustrates the consequences of high cholesterol as plaque builds up within the blood vessels. Also provides prevention and management techniques.
Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about our chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 0-7817-7304-0 ISBN 13: 978-0-7817-7304-1 Laminated: ISBN 10: 0-7817-7305-9 ISBN 13: 978-0-7817-7305-8
This chart is an easy-to-understand overview of high cholesterol and its importance to the health of the body. Illustrates and defines cholesterol. Shows the sources of cholesterol – from food and within the body. Shows and describes the different types of lipoproteins. Defines risk factors and causes of high cholesterol. Illustrates the consequences of high cholesterol as plaque builds up within the blood vessels. Also provides prevention and management techniques.
Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about our chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-910-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-910-5 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-911-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-911-2
A detailed heart model that illustrates the musculature of the heart and large blood vessels. Sectioned so that both ventricles and atria open to expose the valves. Twice enlarged. Dissects into 4 parts. Removable from stand. Size: 10" x 10" x 13". Somso Modelle.
Miniature brain, eye, heart, kidney and artery model show which organs may be affected by Hypertension. Patient education card illustrates the effects associated with hypertension: glaucoma, atherosclerosis, arterial plaque, kidney failure and stroke. 13-1/2" tall, models are about ½ life size.