This life-size view of the male urinary apparatus and blood supply can be studied from every angle. Includes the kidneys, adrenals, a section of the pelvic bone, bladder and prostate. Mounted upright on a hardwood base. Instructor's key identifies 50 hand-numbered features. Size: 12" x 8" x 19". Denoyer-Geppert Co.
Shows the internal and external reproductive organs in the pelvic area - a median section with removable bladder and reproductive organs. Dissects into 2 parts. On base; life-size. Size: 12" x 16" x 8". 3B Scientific GmbH.
Completely updated! Defines infertility and illustrates an ovum (egg) and spermatozoon (sperm). Defines semen analysis. Illustrates female internal genital organs and early cell division of a zygote. Describes and shows fertilization and implantation and blocked fallopian tubes.
Lists common causes of infertility in both men and women. Includes a pie chart graphic that depicts the approximate distribution of common causes of infertility among men and women (including unexplained causes). Illustrates (and describes) the following causes of infertility: For men: Cryptochidism, Hypopituitarism, Obstruction and Varicocele. For women: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Pelvic Adhesions, Intrauterine Fibroids, and Endometriosis
Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about our chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-858-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-858-0 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-861-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-861-0
Completely updated! Defines infertility and illustrates an ovum (egg) and spermatozoon (sperm). Defines semen analysis. Illustrates female internal genital organs and early cell division of a zygote. Describes and shows fertilization and implantation and blocked fallopian tubes.
Lists common causes of infertility in both men and women. Includes a pie chart graphic that depicts the approximate distribution of common causes of infertility among men and women (including unexplained causes). Illustrates (and describes) the following causes of infertility: For men: Cryptochidism, Hypopituitarism, Obstruction and Varicocele. For women: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Pelvic Adhesions, Intrauterine Fibroids, and Endometriosis
Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about our chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-858-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-858-0 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-861-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-861-0
A detailed model shows penis, prostate, bladder, seminal vescicle, spermatic cord, inguinal canal and testicle. On a stand with base. Life-size. Made of SOMSO-Plast. Dissects into 5 parts. Removable from stand. Size: 7" x 8" x 10". Somso Modelle
Finely painted life-sized cross-section of the male pelvis showing the internal and external reproductive organs, prostate, and bladder. 2 removable parts expose interior structures. 26 numbered structures correspond to key. Mounted on a board, made of fiberglass. Size: 13" x 14" x 5".
Natural casting of adult male pelvis with sacrum. Has L1 and L2 vertebra mounted on elastic cord, which may be easily removed. The sacrum may also be removed to demonstrate movement in the iliosacral joint.
One half scale, mid-sagittal section shows the anatomy of the pelvis and testis. A testicle with cancer is included. Testicle depicts a seminoma tumor. The 2-sided patient education card features the male pelvis on one side and both seminoma and teratocarcinoma tumors, plus staging of testis tumors on the other. Size: 7" x 1" x 4-3/4".
The anatomy of the male pelvis and testis is shown in this 1/2 life-size mid-sagittal section. A normal sized prostate is depicted on the base of the model. The patient education card highlights key features as well as showing three prostate stages. The pelvis model can be removed from its base. Size: 7" x 4 -1/2" x 1".
This 25 1/2" budget painted skeleton has muscle insertions and origins painted on the left side of the skeleton and numbers of important features on the right side. Calvarium is cut with moveable jaw mounted on springs. Arms, legs and skull are removable. Stand and keycard included.
This is a great economical teaching skeleton with a user-friendly personality that will encourage children to learn the names of the bones, muscles and ligaments, and with enough details to satisfy students, doctors or anyone interested in the human skeletal features. Could also be used in Halloween, theater or film props.
A 1/2 life-size cross-section of the male genital organs shows a healthy prostate, with bladder, urethra, testicle, symphsis and rectum. 4-cross sections on the base show the narrowing of the urethra due to a change in the prostate. Key card included. Size: 5" x 5" x 4". 3B Scientific GmbH.
Defines Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Briefly explains and labels their effects on various organs of the body. Describes and illustrates the following STIs: genital warts, genital herpes, chancroid, syphilis, trichomoniasis, HIV/AIDS, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), hepatitis B, pubic lice, scabies, chlamydia and gonorrhea.
Provides a useful table that cross-references common signs and symptoms with each disease. Also lists preventative measures to eliminate and reduce the risk of acquiring and transmitting these diseases.
Size is 20" W by 26" H. For more information about chart mounting styles, click here.
Paper: ISBN 10: 1-58779-849-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-849-8 Laminated: ISBN 10: 1-58779-850-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-58779-850-4