Creepy Clown Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. Whoever said all clowns are scary was probably right. This clown blew one too many balloons or had to much cake. Either way I would keep your kids away from him.
This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 7" -- Top of Head to Chin: 10" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
Cursed Mummy Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. You should remember to never disturb the ancients who sleep! This mummy has awoken and is now looking to feast on YOU!
This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 8" -- Top of Head to Chin: 9 1/2" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
This mask is an identical replica of the makeup worn by Liam Neeson in the Sam Raimi 1990 Universal Studios classic, Darkman.
The Official Darman mask was sculpted by our Art Director, Justin Mabry, and was based on numerous screen shots from Darkman to make it the most screen accurate mask ever released.
So order your Official Darkman mask, get yourself a trench coat and a hat and become the ultimate superhero!
This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Top of Head to Chin: 9" -- Ear to Ear: 7" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 8"
Deadly Silence Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. He never has much to say, but can stare you down! This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 9" -- Top of Head to Chin: 11" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
Dedalo Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 9" -- Top of Head to Chin: 10" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
Devil Skull Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. If this does not scare the little ones, then nothing will. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 13" -- Top of Head to Chin: 15" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 14"
Draenor Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 8" -- Top of Head to Chin: 12" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
Evil Corn Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. This one should have been in Children of the Corn. Makes you think twice about walking in a corn field late at night. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 8" -- Top of Head to Chin: 21" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
Evil Scarecrow Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. Not only will this scare the birds, but probably anyone else brave enough to get close. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 14" -- Top of Head to Chin: 19" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 14"
Face Off Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. This guy really had his faced ripped off! This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 9" -- Top of Head to Chin: 10" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
Farkasz Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 9" -- Top of Head to Chin: 10" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 11"
Finger Cracker Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. Finger licking good. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 8" -- Top of Head to Chin: 10" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 11"