Nightwalker Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. Not every thing that walks in the night is friendly. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 8" -- Top of Head to Chin: 9" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
No Face Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. Now you know what the expression "going to eat your face off" really means. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 8" -- Top of Head to Chin: 10" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
Pinhead Deluxe Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. This is the classic Cenobite from the Hellraiser series. Full face mask with neck piece and nails attahed, extra nails included. If this does not creep you out, then nothing will. Sure to get everyones attention.
This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 9" -- Top of Head to Chin: 13" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 10" (these are nail to nail)
Pinhead Economic Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. This is the classic Cenobite from the Hellraiser series. Full face mask can be worn as is or use the plastic pins to do it up right. Sure to get everyones attention.
This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 7 1/2" -- Top of Head to Chin: 9 1/2" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
Pumpkenstein Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. Bewared of the pumpkin patch this Hallow Eve for the Beast of Pumpkenstein will raise again and seek those who dare be about.
This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 7" -- Top of Head to Chin: 16" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 10"
Pumpkin Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy. Good quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 8" -- Top of Head to Chin: 8" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
Pumpkin Jack Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. Oh beware the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!! This one is sure to feast upon your living heart and not leave you any candy.
This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 8" -- Top of Head to Chin: 13" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 11"
Pyro Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. Didn't your mother always tell you to never play with matches. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 7" -- Top of Head to Chin: 11" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 10"
Ramsha Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 9" -- Top of Head to Chin: 12" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 11"
Straight from the Resident Evil series is this very veracious creature, Nemesis. This creature is sure to make you think twice to what may be lurking in the shadows. This is a full head latex mask.
This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 7" -- Top of Head to Chin: 14" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 9"
Nemesis Economic Halloween Mask or Prop is a Deluxe High Quality Latex Mask. Straight from the Resident Evil series is this very veracious creature, Nemesis. This is the economic version of the deluxe Nemesis mask. Which means although still a full face mask, it does not have the piece that goes down below the neck and above shoulders.
This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 6" -- Top of Head to Chin: 8 1/2" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 8 1/2"
Ever wanted to spend a day in the shoes of Rob Zombie? Now you can with this amazing Halloween Mask based on Rob Zombie from his hit album cover Hellbilly Deluxe.
This amazing likeness was sculpted by our Art Director, Justin Mabry and it is without a doubt the most accurate likeness of Rob Zombie ever produced. In fact, when we sent pictures of this mask to Rob Zombie's management team for approval, they thought we sent them pictures of his album cover!
The official Rob Zombie mask is a 3/4 mask with beard and wig, enabling you to head bang just like The Super Beast himself.
So get yourself some beat up jeans, a torn up Rob Zombie tour shirt and this incredible mask and spend the night as Rob Zombie!
This can be worn as a scary Halloween Mask or can be used on any Horror Prop Dummy, guaranteed to scare just about anyone. Superb quality and very realistic colors! An excellent product to help enhance your Halloween Haunt and put some terror and fright back into the season!!
SIZE: Ear to Ear: 6" -- Top of Head to Chin: 9" -- Back of Head to Nose/Chin/Front: 8"