This finely detailed torso is roughly one-third life-size. Easily separates into twelve parts, which includes: head (2-parts), one-half brain, lungs (2-parts), heart (2-parts), liver with gallbladder, stomach and intestines (small and large). Mounted on base. Key card included. Size: 21" tall. 3B Scientific GmbH.
This 3 times life size model of the outer, middle and inner ear has a removable eardrum with hammer, anvil and stirrup as well as a 2-part labyrinth with cochlea and auditory/balance nerve. Mounted on a base. Size: 13 1/3" x 16 1/4" x 7 1/2". 3B Scientific GmbH.
Set of 4 models of the knee joint includes a normal knee joint and 3 models illustrating the stages osteoarthritis. Shows erosion of joint articular cartilage early to advanced and formation of bone spurs. Patient education card included. Models may be removed from base. 3" x 1-3/4" x 5-1/2".
Enlarged cross-section of skin. Relief detail displays acne pustule (pimple) and open comedo (blackhead). Also, normal skin showing epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue details, with hair follicle, sweat and oil glands, fat and more. Removable patient education card and base included. Size: 4" x 4" x 4-1/2".
Natural cast of female skeleton with life-like representation of bone structure with full anatomical detail. Female version shows rounded, less pronounced ilium as key female landmark.
A life-size adult skull displays blood vessels and nerves. Dissects into the following 10 parts: cranium, with colored vessels and blood supply of the hard meninx; base of the skull, sectioned through the median line into two halves; detachable nasal septum, paranasal sinuses and turbinate bones shown; frontal sinus, maxillary sinus and removable right temporal bone can be opened; detachable lower jaw with roots of teeth exposed. Made of SOMSO-Plast. Size: 5-1/2" x 8" x 6". SOMSO Modelle.
Natural cast skeletons of a male adult or a female adult in SOMSO-Plast. Female version shows rounded, less pronounced ilium as key female landmark. Life-like representation of bone structure with full anatomical detail.
Skull includes a removable calvarium and mandible. Extremities are removable and joints are movable. Both the right and left feet can be detached from the legs. Mounted upright on a stand with rollers on the base of the stand. Size: Skeleton is 67"; on stand, 71". Somso Modelle.
Designed in consultation with Dr. J.W. Rohen, this model shows the anatomical structures of 10 consecutive horizontal sections through the human head, oriented to the plane usual in CT and MR imaging (CA-CP plane) and which have the same section thickness (0.8 cm). The sections were modeled on original preparations and are illustrated from above. Each cross section swivels and is removable. Life-size in special plastic, with explanatory booklet on the base. Size: 11" x 18" x 13". Somso Modelle. Weight is almost 18 pounds.
A life sized model of an arched foot showing the anatomical structure and the distal end of the tibia. One piece, does not dissect. Approximate size: 5-1/2" x 10" x 4". Somso Modelle.
A life-size adult skull cast from a natural specimen. Includes a removable calvarium and a movable lower jaw. Dissects into 3 parts. Made of SOMSO-Plast. Size: 5-1/2" x 8" x 6". Somso Modelle.
This life-size skull of a 6-year-old features a lower jaw that is movable and detachable. Made of SOMSO-Plast, the upper and lower jaw are open to show the forming second dentition. Dissects into 2 parts. Size: 5" x 6" x 5". Somso Modelle.