This life-size, adult skull features a movable jaw and removable calvarium. This is a great low budget life-size skull. It is possible that it could have some missing teeth or the skull cap may not have a perfect fit. If missing any teeth, just let me know and I can mail you some at no extra cost, and if skull cap is a bit off, then a little bit of sanding makes a big difference. Most of the time they come with all teeth and are just fine. Size: 5"w x 8-1/2"h x 6"d. This skull is great for Halloween, theater or film props and good for basic educational demonstration in anatomy.
Some features are as follows:
*Movable jaw on springs.
*Removable Calvarium.
*Made from a durable plastic resin, which can be painted, stained, sanded or drilled.
Note: This skull is of 4th quality (factory second) and may have some minor imperfections such as slight discoloration, some unfinished areas, or have missing hardware. All sales of 4th quality goods are final. We will not accept returns. I have found very few 4th quality products that are unsatisfactory, for props they always work!
This economical, life-size adult plastic skull is ideal for students studying for tests. It clearly shows suture lines, and features a movable jaw, cut calvarium and 3 removable lower teeth - incisor, cuspid and molar. Dissects into 3 parts. Size: 5"w x 8-1/2"h x 6"d. Weight: 3 lbs.
This life-size skull includes 7 cervical vertebrae, nerve branches and vertebral artery, all mounted on a fixed base. Skull features a removable calvarium, 3 lower teeth and a hinged lower jaw on springs. Cannot be removed from base. Size: 8-1/4"w x 11-1/4"h x 8-1/4"d.
Chrome Harvey Fr. Skull, which features a movable jaw that is spring loaded, and removable skull cap. Size is 2.25" x 3.5" x 3.25" and weighs about 10 ounces.
This Harvey Jr. Skull has been chromed to give it that very polished metal look. This chroming process actually uses real silver to give it that shiny look. The pictures do not do this skull any justice, looks much better in person.
Life-size representation of a human fetal skull at week 30 of development. The jaw does not move on this model. The skull is hallow and made of PVC plastic, which is basically what all anatomical models and skeletons are made of. Size is 3 1/2" from back of skull to front, 2 3/4" wide and 2 3/4" tall. Who doesn't need a few skulls?
Life-size clear skull, which features a movable jaw that is spring loaded, and removable skull cap. Size is 7.5" x 5.25" x 6.25" and weighs just two pounds.
Made of durable plastic, this 2nd quality skeleton may have some slight imperfections, slightly discolored in small areas or a bit rough on some edges, but majority of time in near perfect conditions. No returns are allowed on any 2nd quality products, but if damaged replacement will be sent.
Life-size 1st class Harvey skull, which features a movable jaw that is spring loaded, and removable skull cap. Size is 7.5" x 5.25" x 6.25" and weighs just two pounds. Great educational skull as well for studying anatomy.
This skull has more obvious manifestations of bones then mos other models in this price point and disects into three parts. Has three removable lower teeth - incisor, cuspid and molar, and comes with these three extra teeth as well.
Skull chart and a detailed keycard showing 91 structures of the skull are also included. Great piece for study!
Some features are as follows: *Movable jaw on springs.
*Removable Calvarium.
*Three removable lower teeth - incisor, cuspid and molar.
*Made from a durable plastic resin, which can be painted, stained, sanded or drilled.
Life-size skull, which features a movable jaw that is spring loaded, and removable skull cap. Size is 7.5" x 5.25" x 6.25" and weighs just two pounds. This weight is almost a full pound lighter then other Halloween skulls. Who doesn't need a few skulls?
Made of durable plastic, this 2nd quality skeleton may have some slight imperfections, slightly discolored in small areas or a bit rough on some edges, but majority of time in near perfect conditions. No returns are allowed on any 2nd quality products, but if damaged replacement will be sent.
Life-size aged skull, which features a movable jaw that is spring loaded, and removable skull cap. Size is 7.5" x 5.25" x 6.25" and weighs just two pounds. This weight is almost a full pound lighter then other Halloween skulls. Who doesn't need a few skulls?
Made of durable plastic, this 2nd quality skeleton may have some slight imperfections, slightly discolored in small areas or a bit rough on some edges, but majority of time in near perfect conditions. No returns are allowed on any 2nd quality products, but if damaged replacement will be sent.
Life-size two piece Harvey skull has a movable jaw that is spring loaded. Great feature on this skull is the spring is hidden and is not visible from normal view. Very realistic skull with moderate detail for this price point. The skull is hallow and made of PVC plastic, which is basically what all anatomical models and skeletons are made of. Size is 7" from back of skull to front, 5" wide and 6" tall; and weighs just under one pound at 14 ounces. Who doesn't need a few skulls?